Barb Ashbee Speaks Out, On Behalf of Wind Turbine Victims!

Sincere Thanks to Barb Ashbee.

 Barb, and her husband were forced to leave their home, because of the terrible health effects experienced by her family, and their pets.  They were compelled to seek legal assistance, to rectify the situation, because neither the wind company, nor the government, were willing to do the right thing, without legal intervention.  A very sad state of affairs, indeed.


To Prime Minister Harper, Minister MacKay, MP Diane Finlay and MP David Tilson

Prime Minister, what measurement does government use to decide on which Canadians are allowed to be harmed and which ones are to be protected?
How do you parse out who falls under fundamental human rights protections and who doesn’t rate such protection?
Is the direction by Stephana’s representative MP to move out of her home correct?
For years emissions from wind turbine installations have been making people sick, displacing many and forcing them to move from their homes. In many cases this has emotionally and financially decimated people, separated family members and destroyed their trust and their spirit. It’s not a very Canadian nor compassionate thing to do, is it?
My husband and I are one of many who had no choice but to move to save the deteriorating health impacts that we and our pets suffered after the start-up of the project around our home. Even in the face of strong engineering reports, it was we who were forced to leave and not the developer forced to return our home to a healthy and safe state.
We did not have our property expropriated. We had to hire legal help to get out.
We are very aware that we have been incredibly lucky to have been able to escape while many others, like Stephana and many of her neighbours and others in this province have not. 
The evidence and research world wide is overwhelming and irrefutable and yet you, with the power to do something, continue to allow more turbines to jeopardize more families, some whose children like Ms. Correia’s, have pre-existing conditions and are already challenged day to day.
How many more people, including our most vulnerable, must be forced to endure the very real torture of being exposed to constant noise levels that will not allow them to sleep, and/or infrasound permeating their homes and bodies with vibration. What about those with new cases of electrical pollution in their homes and buildings, present only after the turbine project became operational?
After years of personal communication with ministries and agencies at all levels, I have not had anyone, anywhere tell me who it is that impacted residents can turn to for help. The various ministries and agencies defer to each other in a cruel runaround.
Even our office of last resort claims the provincial legislation in place allowing this harm will remain as it is only those who created it and are strongly promoting the policy, that have the power to change it. Isn’t there something screaming wrong with this setup?
Who are the residents suffering this ultimate violation to turn to? How are others facing pending projects supposed to protect their homes and families?
This communication is a perfect opportunity to stop passing off concerns between ministries and agencies and all level of government.
I strongly encourage you speak with families who have been impacted so you can hear what is happening and give them a voice with an entity that has power to do something to help them. 
I also urge an immediate moratorium on all wind projects and shut down current areas for those already suffering. 
Please, give these people some relief.
Barbara Ashbee
Dufferin County


One thought on “Barb Ashbee Speaks Out, On Behalf of Wind Turbine Victims!

  1. Pingback: Barb Ashbee Speaks Out, On Behalf of Wind Turbine Victims! | ajmarciniak

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